Saturday 12 December 2015



In my opinion, mock teaching is a process  whereby students who are future educator should plan a very clear lesson plan for selected subject and teach others in classroom according to what they had planned.
Even it seems like uncomfortable to the new comers , mock teaching is the single most beneficial activity that every student must practice to prepare themselves for future as well. *.*

FEELING .??? 0_O  O_0

MOCK TEACHING is the most nervous part that I felt throughout this semester as well. I feel nervous as I should do my mock teaching by next week..
Even I feel nervous , I still want to do my best in this presentation. So, I just tried my level best to complete my lesson plans in a very clear manner. This mock teaching will help me to do my practicum in future later. Therefore , as a first step I started to do my lesson plan. This is because lesson plan is the guideline for a educator to teach effectively in classroom.
In my lesson plan , I explained in details what I'm going to teach in classroom including with the notes , exercises and also homework that I gonna provided to my students as well.

Finally , I hope that the notes that I provided to my students will help them to understand more clearly about that particular topic as well. At the same time, they also can get a clear picture of what they are going to study too. *.*

  • On the other hand , I hope that the exercise that I will provide to my students will help me to identify whether they understood or not what I got taught them in classroom.This will make me to feel easy to categorized my students as well *.*

In addition , I also will provide homework to my students so that they can enhance their skills in that particular topic as well. By providing homework to my students , they can refresh their mind again on what they have learnt in classroom.



  1. hey Jenny.... I have something to ask.. DO you think giving out work sheet will help the students to do better?? Yes practice make perfect, but for those kinesthetic learners like me, How would this help me?

  2. hey Ash... worksheet that I am provided to my students is only a guideline to me to interpret whether they understood what I have taught them on that particular day..
    Mathematics actually needs a lot of exercises to understood it very well.. As I know for kinesthetic learner maybe I will provide some in class activities such as puzzles and mathematics games.But this kind of activities are only suitable for certain topics only. Therefore , I will try to make my students to get familiar with exercises method which consists of some interesting part in it such as sudoku , maths puzzles , math trick games and so on in my worksheets.
