Wednesday 30 December 2015




At my first class of pedagogy I did not have any idea on what this course is actually about. But throughout the face to face session I learn a lot of things regarding pedagogy course.
PEDAGOGY revolves around the teaching methods that teachers should use in their teaching process in order to make those teaching and learning process become effective as well. PEDAGOGY heads me towards the real world of teaching whereby I learnt how to make an effective lesson plan and also involved in mock teaching session. This situation bring me to the real world of teaching after three semesters..

At first , I thought that teaching is a very easy thing but my thought was absolutely wrong..!!! Teaching is a profession which consists a lot of important skills in it. PEDAGOGY IS ONE OF IT..
In between learning those skills , I also learnt classroom management which is very a important skill to manage a classroom in future as well. As a future educator, I learnt the do's and don'ts of creating an effective lesson plan, classroom management and also mock teaching session.

Finally , I should thank my beloved lecturer Madam Ng Huey Zher who was the course leader of this course.  It was a great honor to have her as our lecturer. The way you fulfill all your responsibilities as a lecturer in our class make to feel impressed as well. Thank a lot for your guidance in making us to understand the course clearly madam.... :) *.*

Last but not least , my beloved classmates... I should thank you guys a lot as you all had helped me throughout this semester especially in pedagogy class,. Thank a lot my deariess....:) *.*


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