Thursday 22 October 2015



At its heart , blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier..

I am not ashamed to admit that when I was first learning how to build a blog I made a ton of mistakes. Once I start to understand the main ways of creating a blog then I feel so easy to create a good blog as well,  In fact, the entire process comes down to just these four steps only :-

  • Choose a name for blog
  • Install your blog (takes 15-20 min)
  • Customize your blog design and layout
  • Write your first blog post..!!
Finally , I successfully create my amazing educator blog.. *.*

Once complete creating my blog, then I proceed to download Windows Live Writer 2011. It is a part of Windows Live Essential. It is mainly used for even simpler way to post blogs directly to your blogging site.
So , the following pictures show how to download Windows Live Writer 2011.

Last but not least , what I learnt from all these as a future educator is that I should be updated with current issues and technologies so that I can lead my students to be creative and also innovative as well. Other than that , I also can make sure that my students also be updated with all the current new technologies.
At the same time , I also got to know that teaching and learning process not only in a reciprocal way. But it should be in two way communication whereby teacher and student can share their knowledge and skills with one another. Therefore, the teaching and learning process will be in an effective way and students also will feel energetic to participate in classroom teaching and learning process.
So, these are the lesson that I learnt from this week face to face session in classroom,,
Will catch you guys in another reflection so soon... *.* *.* *.*


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