Saturday 28 November 2015



Hello hi everyone.. I'm so glad to meet you all after such a long period of time.. You all most probably will think what I'm going to share this time in my blog..??
This time I'm going to explain about how to make effective power point presentation for teaching and learning session in classroom.

Effective Power Point Presentation ..?? 0_o

Power point presentation can be done in various methods that can attract the readers' mind as well.
So let see what are the methods used normally.??
  •  Not too colorful backgrounds for the slides
  • Don't use clip arts or cartoon pictures but you are encouraged to use pictures related to that selected topics,
  • Don't always start the presentation with notes but you can start off with different kind of approach whereby students can guess the topic that going to be taught.
  • Use proper font styles and font size.
  • Use important parts only.
  • Don't cramp everything in one slides . If can elaborate one point in one slides clearly.
  • Make it as local as possible . Encouraged to use Malaysian style of examples rather than giving examples about outsiders.
Well , these are the seven important points that should be given priority when doing power point presentation to students in classroom. 
These points can help teachers to complete their power point presentation in a very good manner. At the same time, these tips also can attract students' interest towards selected topics as well.. *.*

# p/s : Guys , I would like to thank my classmate Miss Sherene who help me to get all these seven steps as I did not attend the class last week due to some event. Thank a lot my dear.. *.* *.*


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